
Showing posts from October, 2020

Halloween Hocus Pocus Dinner

Happy Halloween! I hope everybody stays safe with whatever you plan to do! I just wanted to pop on really quick to give you some last minute Halloween dinner ideas. Most of these were pretty easy and store-bought things you can throw together last minute!  First we whipped up some boxes brownies, you could also even buy pre-made brownies. Then we took some black icing and decorated them like Winifred's book.  Next I made some pizza skulls, I called these 'skeleton singer skulls'. We simply used ready-made pizza dough in the skull pan, tomato sauce and pepperoni! You could also easily just make a pumpkin shaped pizza, that would be fun too!  I used store-bought Chex mix and just called it 'a-muck a-muck a-munch mix'! Now whenever my son asks for Chex mix he asks for a-muck a-muck a-munch!  I also put some lil smokies and barbecue sauce in a crock pot and called them 'd

Chuck Eye Chili

Are you excited for fall weather? I know I am excited, mostly for all the yummy fall meals in our future! I just love being able to get a meal going and have it make the house smell yummy all day! I have been craving chili for awhile and tonight I finally got around to making it. Chili is definitely one of those meals that I feel everyone has a favorite way of making. We personally don't ever use a recipe and usually use whatever ingredients we have on hand to make it! So it is always like a new recipe every time! Tonight we had the ingredients for chuck eye chili. Mr. Mini definitely prefers a heartier chili with big chunks of meat, over a ground beef chili. The recipe is super simple whether you plan to throw it all in the crock pot in the morning, or make it a little later in the day on the stove top. We like both ways! Today I got a late start so I decided to use the stovetop.  First I prepped all my ingredients. I feel this helps speed along the process

Better Bites

Hey everyone! Just wanted to share really quick about a product I received from Mom's Meet ! I received this product for free in exchange for my honest review. I was so excited I was selected to try Better Bites ! I received two coupons from Moms Meet and Better Bites Bakery , one for a free product and one for $1 off, I ended up purchasing all three flavors available and using both my coupons.  These particular products were sold at my nearest Fred Meyer. They were actually found in the Novelties frozen section along with all the other frozen goods. I ended up being able purchase Chocolate Chip, Double Chocolate and Birthday Cake! All the products I tried were dairy-free, soy-free, egg-free, gluten-free, peanut-free, and tree nut-free! This makes them a great option for a lot of kiddos and parents as well! This could also be a great option to bring into the classroom because it is free of so many common allergens! Initially we just t

Saturday + Covid-19

Happy Saturday! How was everyone's week? Ours started pretty normal until we got a not so great phonecall Wednesday. I had come into contact with someone who tested positive for covid-19.  Let me tell you, I was not prepared for this phone call. Ever since March when everything shut down we have been extremely careful in everything we do. We don't go out without a mask. We wear our masks everywhere. We don't go out unnecessarily to eat or to family functions. Our whole summer was spent at home. At home away from family functions. Away from many birthdays and pool parties.  I will admit, I got comfortable. I got confident we were protected.  Wednesday the 14th we went to transfer some quads into Randy's name at my previous place of employment. There, they had put up plexiglass and had hand sanitizer out. I had to use the restroom so I went behind the plexiglass barrier. After using the restroom, washing my hands and sanitizing, I decide to chat wi

Pumpkin Patch + Mom's Meet

Happy Saturday! How was your week? A lot of virtual learning happened here! Also lots of Halloween decorating!  Race and I went to the pumpkin patch Wednesday! It was the perfect fall day for it! Harlow was tired and we aren't wanting to take any chances of her getting sick, so dad stayed home and had some daddy daughter time!  Race and I had lots of fun picking out the perfect pumpkins! We probably picked too many! But we were having so much fun we couldn't help ourselves!  I also wanted to share about a website I've been using, Mom's Meet . It's a very simple website to use. You can apply to be a mom ambassador or a blog ambassador. They will review your application and then send you an email if you are selected. After that you simply apply to programs and if you're selected they send you an email letting you know along with your box of items. You are then required

Halloween + 2020

  How are you celebrating Halloween this year? Are you going out? Staying in? Obviously with Harlow's respiratory history and everything that comes along with this season this year, we've decided to stay home. And while we may walk around the neighborhood to see some fun decorations, we'll most likely keep our distance! We've already promised Race lots of candy and he still plans to dress up as a plague doctor from the SCP foundation 049, he insisted I put all that in there haha, so it hasn't seemed to put a damper on his spirits. So I was thinking what could I do at home to keep the excitement of Halloween alive? I did some searching and thinking and I've come up with some things I'd like to share. Alot of these are probably not new ideas and I've seen alot on Pinterest or just around the web.  The first thing, and the thing we always do, is just go BIG with your decorations! Race and Harlow are always so excited to get Halloween ou