Saturday + Covid-19

Happy Saturday! How was everyone's week? Ours started pretty normal until we got a not so great phonecall Wednesday. I had come into contact with someone who tested positive for covid-19. 

Let me tell you, I was not prepared for this phone call. Ever since March when everything shut down we have been extremely careful in everything we do. We don't go out without a mask. We wear our masks everywhere. We don't go out unnecessarily to eat or to family functions. Our whole summer was spent at home. At home away from family functions. Away from many birthdays and pool parties. 

I will admit, I got comfortable. I got confident we were protected. 
Wednesday the 14th we went to transfer some quads into Randy's name at my previous place of employment. There, they had put up plexiglass and had hand sanitizer out. I had to use the restroom so I went behind the plexiglass barrier. After using the restroom, washing my hands and sanitizing, I decide to chat with my old co workers while my husband waited for the previous owner of the quads to show up. I got comfortable thinking that there was plexiglass and I was about 5 feet apart, I thought taking my mask off for a minute would be fine!
However the thing you don't think about is what people do after they are no longer on the clock. Now, it is not my place to decide how anyone lives their life. It is my responsibility to take care of me. I definitely learned that, the hard way. One of the employees I talked to while there ended up testing positive for covid-19. 
I received the call Wednesday morning from my previous employer who also happens to be my husband's aunt. I'm so grateful that I was her first call. She knows Harlow is very fragile and susceptible to this virus. 

After receiving this call me husband and I talked and decided that I should go get tested. I was the one who had talked to my coworkers without a mask, I was the one who would most likely have contracted it. It had been exactly seven days since we had been into the office and we were feeling fine. My previous co-worker had cold like symptoms. 

Driving to the testing site was so nerve racking! I was just thinking to myself, I can't have it! I feel fine! But, what if I feel fine and am still a carrier? Harlow's fine so I can't have it! Literally, a million emotions running through my head! 

As I pulled up I was shocked at the line. There were at least thirty to forty cars. I pulled in and a lady greeted me and said to get a clipboard from the box with paper work to fill out.
Looking at the paperwork made my gut drop. I couldn't believe after seven months of being careful I was here. 

I filled out the paperwork and sat in line for over 2 hours. I called home a couple times just to check in. I was actually super nervous about the q-tip poking my brain, thanks Randy! After what seemed like FOREVER, I finally made it to the first check point. They took my temperature, heart rate and blood oxygen levels and basically asked about pre-existing conditions. 
Lucky for me everything looked normal! They couldn't get my heart rate or blood oxygen level for a couple minutes, but I told them my daughter and I have poor blood circulation and they ended up getting it after I sat on my hand for a minute. 

They told me to pull forward and next was my test. I was so nervous it was going to be a huge q-tip up my nose. As I pulled up to the next tent they told me it was going to just be a q-tip into both of my nostrils. It wasn't bad except for it was very smelly! I was actually happy I could smell the stench because it meant I still had my sense of smell. So happy because one of the first signs of covid-9 is losing your smell and taste.
They told me it could take 24 to 72 hours to get my results. They said I would get a phone call if it was positive, and a email in mychart if it was negative. Anytime my phone rang over the next two days I was terrified! I was constantly checking my email to see if I got a new message in mychart. 

Because of covid contract tracing Randy was told to stay home by his boss. We tried to just stay on the positive side of things because none of us had felt any different.

Friday around 3:00 PM I finally got my results! 

I finally got a message in mychart that I tested NEGATIVE!! I cannot tell you what a relief it was to get that message! We always had a little idea in the back of our heads that I was negative, but getting that message really made us all happy!
Now that I'm in the clear I'm definitely not taking anymore chances! I will be staying home and masked up if I do go out! Have you came I to contact with someone who tested positive? Have you had it yourself? Know a family member who had it? Let me know your experience in the comments. 

Today Randy went back to work and I think it's a great movie day! All the non-traditional Halloween movies! First up, Misery, a classic! 
Tonight we have fun and decorate cookies! I got this cute cookie pack from a girl I went to Highschool with! I'm all about supporting small business when I can right now! I can't wait to share how they turn out! Have a happy weekend! 


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