Summer Pasta Salad

SUMMER IS COMING! I'm getting so happy that here in the PNW the sun is finally starting to shine more than once a month! 
Yesterday it got up to 75° in April! That's grilling weather! The kids and I got out the mini pool and they froze their butts of playing in it for about 15 minutes, but we all had fun!
I threw together this pasta salad that was too good to not share! This recipe would be easy to double or triple. It served my husband and I with leftovers. Because this dish is soy free I used canola oil mayonnaise but feel free to substitute for regular mayonnaise if preferred. 

4 oz shell pasta
2 teaspoons apple cider vinegar
1/2 cup canola oil mayonnaise
2 teaspoons dijon mustard
1 tablespoon pickle juice
1 hard boiled egg, chopped
1 large pickle, chopped
1/4 cup large olives, quartered
2 slices muenster cheese
Salt and pepper

Cook pasta according to package directions. I cooked mine for about 7-8 minutes. 
Drain pasta and return to pan. Add apple cider vinegar to noodles and stir, let sit while you prepare dressing.
Combine in a medium bowl, mayonnaise, mustard and pickle juice.
Add egg, pickle, olives, cheese and salt and pepper to taste. Stir until combined.
Stir noodles and add to mayonnaise mixture.
Serve immediately or refrigerate. If I usually pull it out about 30 minutes before we eat.

             The soy free mayonnaise we use.
                        That's a BIG pickle!
        I forgot a picture, so here's what's left! 🤦🏼‍♀️


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