
Hello there! I'm Heather! I am starting this little journey to be able to share a little bit of my fun finds, lifestyle, deals and trials! I am definitely a deal hunter! I am not to good with writing so I am hoping this journey can help that as well! So I guess now this is where I tell you a little about me! I have lived in the PNW for all my life! It can be gloomy most of the time but there are days where it is just breathtaking! I have been with my husband for almost 15 years! I started dating him right after High School in 2004! He is 5 years my senior and I actually knew him before dating him! He was a good friends cousin! Because he was so much older than me I never really thought about him like that! It wasn't until a couple friends set us up on a blind date that I ever really saw him as just a friends cousin! He said for him it was love at first sigh, haha, I was unsure because I knew who he was! I could go on and on but I'll skip ahead to our first big journey in life, the birth of our son Race in 2011! He was actually a complete surprise to us! I did not even find out I was pregnant until I was around 27 weeks! Our first appointment I actually found out I was having a BOY! Fast forward to 2013 and we welcome our daughter Harlow! We finally tied the knot in August of 2016 and have been happily raising our family ever since! I actually stumbled upon product testing from a Facebook ad. I thought yeah right free products? Well I will try and have been hooked on finding the best sites for sampling ever since! So more recently with all the stay at home orders I have been into it even more. So, now I have decided to start this site to share my finds and hopefully help anyone else who is interested in finding free products and deals as well! So follow along here on the blog or Instagram for updates! Hope you will stick around and find out some new things!


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